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Editor - Mountains issue
Soulless Daedra
Hi, I know this websites users all talk in a different language other than English. However I have an issue that I was wondering if anyone could help me on.

I have made a map in the Cultures 8th Wonder Of the World Editor, and it seems that when I play it in game my units can walk up mountains no matter the size of the mountain. I want it so units can not climb up the tall mountains what so ever. Can anyone help me find a solution to this problem? Thank you.
Jeżeli dobrze rozumiem to mu chodzi o to żeby jednostki nie wchodziły na wysokie góry... Dobrze przetłumaczyłem?


Hmm... you can make the wall of stone on mountain (but it looks ugly) or maybe u can make river. What's special on this mountain that units can't climb there?

Wydobył mnie z dołu zagłady i z kałuży błota, a stopy moje postawił na skale i umocnił moje kroki
Soulless Daedra
The mountain is meant to block off invaders and the person inside the mountain. I wanted to have it so he/she could only leave that mountain area in 2 different passages. But thanks for your suggestion, I shall try it Uśmiecha się But yah I also agree that it may look ugly.
I know that problem... You can do as it says Jozenkow, but is a another way.

At the beginning you have to convert the map C2M to dat. You can use Converter by molt from serwer download. Then you have a lot of documentations about map in dat. in www.wikinger-tommy.de .
Soulless Daedra
Remik napisał(a):

I know that problem... You can do as it says Jozenkow, but is a another way.

At the beginning you have to convert the map C2M to dat. You can use Converter by molt from serwer download. Then you have a lot of documentations about map in dat. in www.wikinger-tommy.de .

This maybe a bit hard for me since I do not know German. And the translator is not 100% accurate, so I do not know exactly where I am looking in the documentation. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated ;D Thanks for everything so far however Uśmiecha się
szkoda że mój angielski jest do rzyci. Śmutno

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