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Download > Kampanie > EGYPTAIN SCARAB


The first map from egyptain part of my campaing, so oviosly you will play by the egyptains and do some tasks.
THe map archive has the music from settlers. I added it if somebody want to make an atmosphere on map more better.
Zrzut ekranu
Zrzut ekranu
April 15 2017 00:01:05
Ilość pobrań: 7662
Wersja: 1.0
Kampania / Zestaw map: The Settlers 2 campaing
Zgodność z grą: 4 =
© by Karl-levengaupt



#1 | Santor121 dnia April 15 2017 10:51:44
Sounds cool xddd and map is awensome Rozwalony
#2 | Joz dnia April 15 2017 14:13:54
Why Hatschepsut? Jest tylko 1 prawdziwy Hatszepsut, Hatszepsut z Bytomia
#3 | Karl-levengaupt dnia April 15 2017 15:32:37
@Jozenkow It may be mistake, Hatshepsut it`s on english. I think i wrote the name on german language. You dont like the name?
#4 | Joz dnia April 15 2017 16:52:19
There can be only one Hatszepsut

#5 | Sariawar2 dnia April 15 2017 18:24:17
Great work keep it up!
#6 | Karl-levengaupt dnia April 15 2017 19:28:52
@Sariawar2 Thx Przytakuje
@Jozenkow Who is on photo lol
#7 | Karl-levengaupt dnia April 17 2017 12:13:48
@SmoczyWojownik it is "skarabeusz"
#8 | Joz dnia April 18 2017 13:27:07
All your maps are simillar, all time we get the task at first cut scene and its not only this campaign. Im waiting for fabular map. I want to discover the storyline while progressing - this makes me fun
#9 | Joz dnia April 18 2017 15:28:12
I played fabular map long time ago, kraina starych bohaterow, mielizna Remika, good old maps.

I need more like those
#10 | Karl-levengaupt dnia April 18 2017 20:40:54
You know, everybody has his interests. For example somebody is very happy, when he can play by egyptains. But you are right, my maps not so nice, even on my opinion, becouse i can`t get any satisfaction from playing on it. So, i think, i will firstly play the maps you wrote about, and then try to make my maps more interesting and more smarter in scenario. And i wish you will help me to do it by some ideas.

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